Hey to all. Was working on my second mission (this one has combat in it!!!) and ran into a little snag. Any help would be appreciated.
First of all, I was wondering if there was any scripting means (I'm sure there is, but I really don't get that shtuff) to make say, 12 men to run with rifles slung in 4 rows of 3, like boot camp running formation?
Secondly (and prolly most importantly), I've almost gone bald from the hair I've ripped out from having my AI leader hiding under a bush in the middle of combat (and at 17, that's not a good look). Strange thing is, this is done by units which have the allowfleeing as 0. It's done by the "Take cover" command, but I know of no "allowtakecover" command. Lol.
Any solutions would be exceedingly valuable, considering I've had to write this freakin thing twice... goddamn CTRL button.