Actually, I'm a bit with ZNorQ on this, but also a bit with macca...
It is true that boolean variables do not necessarily need to be initialised, but it's safe to do that as all of you know that OFP uses what I like to call 'The Murphy's Law' engine which means that anything that can go wrong goes wrong (and sometimes even the things that can't go wrong, go wrong...)..
As for what macguba said about that sentence returning false is also true:
When AND/OR or IF/THEN/ELSE are used all the variables in that sentence need to be of some value, not for example that "xxxcoeefe blah blah" (it's not a value, it's a string)...
When numeric variables are used (as I like to do, 0=false, 1=true) the variables must always be initialised or else they won't exist.
I can say for a fact that for example in this particular mission the endmission variable is not initialised, but when set to true it triggers the endmission trigger...
So, when booleans are used alone they don't need to be initialised, but it is very wise to do so...
The type switch on a trigger does only apply when used on a waypoint.
I have tried huge amounts of different things with type 'none' and then with type 'switch' and only difference between them seems to appear only when synching them with waypoints...
Of course, I can be wrong...