Thanks to Macguba's Tutorial mission, I've come a long way in Op Flash editing just by tweaking a few points. I still have a few questions, though.
The first, is a problem with my radio. How do I have Radio Echo disabled from when the mission starts? If I can do it through init.sqs, what do I type?
This is odd, because I checked through a mission I built a while ago in which you only gain Radio Echo after destroying an Oil Refinery. Yet I found no initial trigger disabling Radio Echo, and I know I didn't use init.sqs for it. I thought maybe if I just 'enabled' Radio Echo once the objective is complete it would start off unactivated, but nope. I checked through all my triggers to make sure none of them clashed with what I want done, so if you think it's a problem with my triggers, tell me what to search for.
The next is Radio questions. I can hear you groaning now wondering why I'm asking this when there's another thread already out there. Problem is, my brain is pretty small, and is there a step by step tute that makes a radio conversation? I tried macguba's but it was slightly too complicated for me. Moved too fast for a complete noob like me.
Last is nothing to do with Radio questions, but I'll throw it in anyway. For a condition for a trigger, what do I type in to check if an objective is complete?
AKA "If Objective 1 is complete, then this trigger can happen"
I tried using objStatus a few different ways but to no avail.
Thanks heaps.