The tutorials are the key, they really work.
But some quick info (which will only really make sense if you read the tutorials):
Use the built-in utility "camera.sqs", it gives you a camera view of the OFP world. You can use the cursor keys and Q (up), and Z (down) to move the camera into the position you wnat. The hit "CTL" key (Control) and this copies the info into the clipboard. Open Notepad or similar, CTL + V and paste it in. It shows camera position and the relevant info. To use "camera.sqs" place this in INIT field of any unit (player or not): [CODE]this exec "camera.sqs"[ENDCODE] - obviously not the "[CODE] part, that;'s just to distinguish the code and quaotes. When done, don't forget to remove that, otherwise you'll only ever get the camera.sqs view.
To move camera, you can simply have camera jump to next position, either instantly ("0" in transition time), or put in fractional seconds (.025 for qtr sec, etc. - that causes camera to sweep to next pos.). You can also use Game Logics as markers, or markers from briefing. To follow a vehicle you'll need the vehiclecam script.
Hope this steers you in right direction, but reread tutes.