2 Notes about the testmission :
I forgot to delete 3 test RADIOtriggers.
The trigger named SAT_list is the only one you need.
About this :
Just had an idea... how about, a bar along the bottom of the screen, with dull green shapes of a person, car, tank, plane, and a heli, and if the selected unit is a person, it lights up the person icon..?
Like I said, I'm still learning dialogs,but I've already put pictures in dialogs and I'm making a new monitor for the satellite.
First thing I tried is, to replace the red tracking dot with a flickering lamp on the right border.
Here's a pic made in photoshop
http://img75.photobucket.com/albums/v228/blanco2/SAT/Satmonitor2.jpgThe red lamp is already on the frame, the red glow is a layer.
The vertical rectangle above the lamp is were the slider should come, below the lamp are the directions buttons
The frame is not the problem, the red glow is.
It always appears under the framepic, can you place two pictures over eachother in a dialog? Is there a way to arange the different layers like you can in Photoshop?
Also, I never have the same quality as in Photoshop, even when I split it in four pieces, so I can keep the diminsions relative high (265*265)
And the colors are always 20% brighter ingame than in Photoshop :-\
Btw : Do you like the layout?