Looks great, but how do I know where these positions are in the house, and ALSO prevent the AI from entering the building through the walls
Ok, I've got an idea.
(takes a deap breath)
Well, you'd have to do either some pretty nasty bits of scripting with a LOT of setpos and stuff or make an O2 building with pos1, pos2, pos3, and pos4 as "markers", AND/OR make a script to use with any building with markers that've been setpos'ed up there arses, then have waypoints that can be used systematically by any unit that enters the house, and make an action (through the action menu) that activates the AI way of getting through (WHEW, out of breath). THEN with that script you could select let's say 2 and punch 6 and then whatever # the action the script has created is.
Then 2 would search the house going from pos1 to pos2 to pos3 to pos4 systematically (maybe even in a random order...?), the houses do have paths for the AI to use when the unit is already in the house and moves on its' own, and this script WOULD NOT AFFECT that, so 2 would have to use the AI paths to navigate the house. (wow, I made some sense...? maybe even a little?)
That wasn't too rough now, was it?
Only downside to this would be a hellufalotta scripting, as well as O2 editing. You'd have to re-release whatever island you'd made this mission on with the new buildings, etc.! (a lot of work)
I have a great knowledge of scripts and O2, but I hate O2 (too d**n tricky), and I suck at writing the scripts, I always misplace things inside them. Sometimes I add random things into the script that has nothing to do with OFP at all (I once started to write a story inside one...
hey, man, don't ask me.) - I may have been a little drunk too (heheh).