Something like (In a script)
; Incase the sentry spots the palyer twice, the sound will only play once
; As it checks if this is true, and then stops playing the sound
; It's it's still at true
;Start the script!
; Does the sentry know about the player? If so, go to the loop #alarm
?(sentry knowsabout player):GOTO "alarm"
; Not yet, so keep checking
GOTO "notnoticed"
; Play the alarm sound
playsound "alarm2"
; Wait for it to finish
; Does the mission want the alarm to stop now? (Player killed?),
; put killalarm=true somewhere to stop it
?(killalarm):GOTO "killalarm"
; Keep playing the alarm
GOTO "alarm"
Not sure if alarm2 is the correct name for it..
And if the sound is 2 seconds long..
The line that goes ?(senty knowsabout player) etc
I'm not that sure it's correct..
You have a sniper (Or something) a tower, call him sentry.. And if he sees the player, the alarm is raised
You could copy that line, and put a few units names in the differnet lines.. Say for multiple guards
- Ben