Hey all,
you could do the following;
solpos = (object 'building id') buildingpos 'position'
soldiername setpos solpos
'building id' = editor id for the building eg. 12345 (no qoutes)
'position' = position number (no qoutes). Each building you can walk into has various positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... etc. The number of positions depends on the building size. Just put an number here and see where he goes...
soldiername = name of the unit to move.
Getting AI units to follow you into a building can be tricky... The best way is to make sure they are in SAFE mode, or they just tend to run around like head-less chickens. It can also depend on the formation you use for the group you are controlling. No hard and fast rules I'm affraid...