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Author Topic: OFP gaming style ?  (Read 3249 times)

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Re:OFP gaming style ?
« Reply #15 on: 02 Jun 2004, 13:42:45 »
Those T-80's are the most frustrating things to blow up!!!!!!!!! By the time u have fired a missile at it turns round and u have u run ur arse off to get away frm it.

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Re:OFP gaming style ?
« Reply #16 on: 03 Jun 2004, 12:12:03 »
oh yeah, the reaction of T80s is not realistic, but i`ve never been a tank commander in real life, so...

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Re:OFP gaming style ?
« Reply #17 on: 09 Jun 2004, 20:22:55 »
I suppose second person view would be seeing what the number 2 in your squad could see, but playing yourself.   Or, having the driver's view when you were actually the gunner.

First person - I
Second person - you
Third person - him

Noob = newbie = beginner = person new to something.

I always play Vet, stick to first person as much as possible.   Basically never use 3rd person except when driving vehicles, though I do use Command view sometimes.    Tanks I play as gunner.      I find G36 is the best all round weapon.    (If only the M21 fired burst ...)    It makes the game very hard if you switch off the crosshair so I keep it on.    

T80 feels tricky to kill because in fact the game gives you some slack in killing T72s, so T80s feel extra hard.    I did a spreadsheet on this once, it's in the Ed Depot somewhere.    (Edit: here)  You can take a T72 with one Carl Gustav or three LAWs, but the T80 requires two CGs or four LAWS, which is of course one more than you normally carry.     CG is always equal to two LAWs except against T72, so always carry LAWs unless you know you are against only T72s in which case take CGs.  

The game is entirely consistent in one respect:  if you fire a rocket you must take cover immediately, or you die.    It is a bit fierce I find, but I take the game designer's point.

The famous Un-Impossible Mission is basically finished ... I just need to put the proper sound files in.    The latest, unpublished, version is much harder.     It's SP only at the moment, I'm not going to make a MP version but I'd be very happy if somebody converted it to Co-op.
« Last Edit: 09 Jun 2004, 20:24:41 by macguba »
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Re:OFP gaming style ?
« Reply #18 on: 09 Jun 2004, 20:50:36 »
Well macguba for me its a little different attacking tanks:

M113,M2A2, BMP, BMP2 = any rocket basically will kill it, or six+ grenades if absolutely needed.

M60,T72, T55 = Two laws or rpgs usually or one CG or At3

T80 = four laws (I'm not always sure cause I'm more concerned about taking cover then counting before that turret turns ;D) or two cgs or two At3s

M1A1 = not sure, I haven't faced abrams that much, I'd imagine four or maybe five if needed rpgs or laws
two cgs or two At3s

My tank strategy: Any apcs or weak tanks I go for instant kill with law or rpg, don't waste cg or At3

Any medium tanks, try and hit the turret first to disable the guns ;)  then go about  your business unless you fell like blowing it up

MBTs: no strategy here really, aim for the turret if possible, otherwise unload as many rockets of any kind on it and use cover effectively.


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Re:OFP gaming style ?
« Reply #19 on: 09 Jun 2004, 22:01:01 »
Killing power:

Carl Gustav = AT4
2xLAW = 1xCG except against T72

Abrams takes 3 CG/AT4 or 6 LAW/RPG from the front or sides.    From the back it takes 7 LAWs, don't ask me why.  

Full details in the spreadsheet.
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Re:OFP gaming style ?
« Reply #20 on: 09 Jun 2004, 23:46:58 »
Yeah I took a look at your spread sheet when it came out, nice job. ;)

I agree LAWs and RPGs are equal, I prefer RPGs,  they seem to have a longer range before diving or falling making it easier to target.

AT4 damn why was I saying AT3?! :o

The abrams seems to have the edge over the T80. Of course that can make up for the Mi24 having troop carrying abilities+ more ammo than the AH64. Did BIS do this to keep the sides equal? Cause I think they did or was it just the time period when american equipment and russian equipment was almost equal. ::) :P

Anyways I dunno where you got three laws/rpgs to take out a T72 or M60? Takes two for me.

To drag this on when extended armor is on in cadet, does it apply to all tanks or ust the player's tank or allied tanks?