1) Create a gamelogic on the map and place it at the position you want the flare to fire from
Name the gamelogic "Flarelogic1"
create the following entries into the required scripts
;; refire delay is the pause between the first flare firing and the second
refiredelay = 30
[] exec "Flare1.sqs"
flare1= "flaregreen" camcreate [getpos flarelogic1 select 0,getpos flarelogic1 select 1,1]
;;You can change these numbers. [0,0,0] will keep flare at spawn point until it goes out. Negative numbers reverse the direction
flare1 setvelocity [2,14,18]
?(flare1 distance flarelogic1) >100:goto "SLOWDOWN"
goto "LOOP"
;;After getting X meters away from logic, flare goes to this number for slowing effect.
flare1 setvelocity [3,14,18]
goto "START"
;; Flare only burns for 15 seconds or so, so dont take it to high or far.
for more flares, simply repeat the process, calling the scripts Flare2.sqs and flarelogic2 etc etc
the velocity etc and delay times for the refire can be altered to suit, however the velocity settings do look realistic
green flares give a better nightime visual effect