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Author Topic: Before the terror attacks....  (Read 1076 times)

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Before the terror attacks....
« on: 24 May 2004, 16:41:06 »
Every once in a while, I come up with an idea I like.  This is one of those ideas:

Situation: September 11, in Afganistan.  It's roughly an hour before the attacks on the World Trade Center start.  You are a CIA operative, on a recon mission, but in a few hours you could have a chance to change the world.....

Gameplay: You would have one, maybe two team mates on the mission.  You would, of course, be on a recon mission for a certain amount of time.  After a period of time, you are informed of the attacks.  It's obvious that it was a terrorist attack, but you are unsure of who is responsible.  The CIA needs information, badly.  You have to plant bugs on their phone systems.  Eventually you determine that the terrorists in Afganistan are responsible, and you have a chance to bring them to justice.

Other Stuff: You would need to have an Osama face, and some high-quality middle eastern men.  I'm not totally sure about the addon to use for the player, though.  It would need to look like an undercover special forces operator, like those in Afganistan.  Worse comes to worse we could use the BAS Delta's, or something else like those.  

I know this could be considered a touchy subject, but I think it would be an entertaining mission to play.  Any suggestions/cristism?


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Re:Before the terror attacks....
« Reply #1 on: 24 May 2004, 20:11:12 »
Sounds like a lot of civvie stuff, which isn't always bad but it needs to be interesting.

Like you can't be detected entering places that are high security buildings and such. Maybe one of the warlords catchs on to you and decides to take you out. Then after fending off the attack you must kill the messenger guy so the other tribes or towns don't learn that you are a spy.

Could be interesting. Can we find Osama in a hole too. :D :P



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Re:Before the terror attacks....
« Reply #2 on: 24 May 2004, 21:47:01 »
Not really civvie, think normal OFP recon stuff, mixed with Mission Impossible.  Just some bug planting, recon, and shooting terrorists.


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Re:Before the terror attacks....
« Reply #3 on: 24 May 2004, 22:38:45 »
Sounds interesting.

Maybe ur told to look out for osama but told not to do anything yet. Suddenly he comes out of sum tent or cave or woteva, heavily guarded and you have a clean shot on him but are told by ur commanders not to take him out yet.

You cud also b told to recon these "terror camps" these guys have in Afghanistan and to retrieve anything of an use from their.

Is this a mission already in production or is it just in its idea phase still?


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Re:Before the terror attacks....
« Reply #4 on: 25 May 2004, 00:59:06 »
I'd say mission idea phase.  I have a few mission's on my computer that I have done in that past that could be adapted to fit this idea, but not a mission for this idea, if you understand what I'm saying...