Welcome to OFPECDerGreif
I believe that there was only one recorded female voice for ofp and it was Angelina. I don't think they recorded the genralized files such as injured, roger, medic, where are you, etc. There are some user made missions out there where authors used their wives or daughters to record some files for them but they are more apt to be customized for the story and not interchangeble. Arma as well has the voice a female reporter but no generalized voices for use. Their is one addon that was made for Arma that was a female soldier model that was done exceptionally well, complete with generalized voice files. The name of the addons was Tanya. You could download it, unpbo it and use the sound files in your mission. Be sure and ask the author for permission to utilize those sounds though unless they state that its okay in the readme. Good luck.
EDIT: Well, I took a look inside Tanya's folder and did not see any sounds for use. I have played with the addon before and know well that she has her own voice but I can not locate the sounds myself. I apologize for the misinformation.