Well I don't know the answer to this but I can relate my own experience which may, or may not, help.
Gunslingers last addon was called EditorUpgrade102.pbo
Kegety's 1.11 was called EditorUpdate102.pbo
Since I have a split OFP personality - 1.46/Res - I switch which one is in my addons folder: Gunslingers if I'm running 1.46 and Kegety's if I'm running Res. I haven't used either in my mission editing (at least not deliberately) though I have used them to play other people's missions. I have never run OFP with the wrong editor in the addons folder (so far... but then its only a matter of time.)
I don't know if what I'm doing is helpful or even sensible, but I haven't had any problems. Kegety's readme did suggest that you shouldn't have both in your addons folder at the same time because it might cause conflicts. I think I downloaded Kegety's from here and somewhere it said it was only compatible with Res, hence the cunning plan mentioned above.