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Author Topic: My first Campaign Idea  (Read 1614 times)

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My first Campaign Idea
« on: 01 May 2004, 02:58:19 »
Alright here's my idea for a campaign involving a spec ops guy. Please tell me what you think since its my first real storyline. I'm going to be try and be a part of the freelance OFP writing team and well this is my first piece. Use it if you want to its free. Tell me later how it turned out since I'd like to play it. Okay here it goes...

                         Drowning Pool
   You are major Albert (Al) Kowlesleski. You work for the NATO organization as a covert ops warrior. Your secretive fame is well known through the ranks and respect is around every corner. Your next assignment is one of the toughest yet. After receiving plastic surgery you have been tasked with infiltrating the Russian troop detachment on Kolgujev to investigate suspicions of an attack. The Malden islands are jumpy and you must find out what’s going on.  You are first shipped to Kolgujev secretively and you must find your target  Leuitanant and kill him, and hide the body. You must then masquerade as this Russian Lt. and put your language and culture skills to good use.

   Go along with what they say and do and find out what they are up to. Your mission is as long as it takes you to be killed or find out what’s going on.

   You have been masquerading and going on missions to other Soviet controlled islands in the vicinity of the Malden group. Many rebels have died at the hand of your rifle, people you supported in the past. But you must do this and you recieceve a field promotion. Your near Guba’s inner circle and you find that indeed the attack is going to happen and the Malden Islands will be Soviet again. Command now knows and the Malden group prepares the best they can without NATO help. It would look suspicious if NATO troops were just sitting on the beach waiting for naval troops. Command tells you to stay the course and attack rebels with your new Soviet comrades. Your real job is to secretly handicap the Russian war machine so that once NATO brings all the force down, the Russians should crack like an egg.

   Problem is that Guba has heard of your supreme fighting talents against the rebels and by personal order makes you Spetz Natz. This compromises your mission, you must start assainating NATO commanders the same people who lead you. You must carry out assaults on NATO convoys, killing your buddies in cold blood, and finally you face off with your best friend in a vicious gun fight on a frontier camp ambush killing him. You must play this part for you have not been alone or had a chance to escape your role, otherwise the Russians would surely know. They are ticked off now since NATO joined the battle and you’ve seen bumblers shot for screwing up. Command has stopped talking to you, you are not sure why.

   A few days later in a base a bullet whistles through your tent and destroys the TV that was showing a live CNN report on the Malden islands. You take cover as sniper rounds ping and slap the ground around you, your only shield is the overturned table. Finally the shooting stops and a BMP rushes off to seek and destroy the attacker. The next day a mortar attack decimates your former home where the sniper attack was when you leave to patrol. Things are getting suspicious. You seem to think things are going wrong, both sides want you dead.The Soviets will try to kill you  if you reveal your identity and NATO considers you a hostile mutinous bastard. You’ve seen shadows near the roads all the time and you try to catch a ride in APCs as much as possible since a URAL you were riding in the back of had the front end blown off by a LAW. You narrowly escaped time and again. What do you do?

Your only chance is to get away, dress as civilian and live out your life, get a boat, or sneak your way back through Soviet supply lines and find some way to leave this hell, this drowning pool…

Guilty Roach Killa

 :'( :'( :'( :'( ::) :P


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Re:My first Campaign Idea
« Reply #1 on: 02 May 2004, 00:33:08 »
What the hell! Who put these  #8217s everywhere!?

Argh don't pay attention to them, just figure out the missing words through context clues.


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Re:My first Campaign Idea
« Reply #2 on: 03 May 2004, 04:01:26 »
Ahem reviews or comments anything, don't have to be constructive.  C'mon ppl! :'(

Offline SEAL84

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Re:My first Campaign Idea
« Reply #3 on: 03 May 2004, 05:31:31 »
Hmmm let's see here....

The idea of taking a Russian's place is a cool one...I would have never thought up something like that....it's like that James Bond move - Thunderball, was it?  I can't remember.  Anyway...

1.  Methinks it would be better if you jumped right into the role of Spetznaz instead of a lowly rifle platoon leader.  As a regular lieutenant you'd have no chance of getting the info you need until it's D-Day, and as an intelligence officer you'd have no chance of seeing combat, so stepping right into the shoes of a spetznaz trooper probably works best.  You'd be involved in pre-invasion operations and stuff, so you'd most likely know ahead of time.

2.  I'm still trying to think up a solid reason why you'd continue to fight NATO - I had something typed out and then found a hole in it, so I've got nothing.  I mean, you could just make a run for it, or you could surrender to Americans at the first opportunity, or something like that.  After all, you are an SF operator...you could easily cut and run if you wanted to, being trained in E&E.

Seems like you need something to motivate the player to do this...maybe NATO sends an SF team - not to pick you up, but to take you out so that they rid themselves of a problem - ie how to get you out, something like that.  Maybe if you made that sniper attack happen before you started killing Americans, I dunno...maybe it would clear things up a bit.

Frankly I don't think it works to say that you have no choice but to attack US troops...you'd try to avoid that by any means you can, and when you think about it, your mission is done after you supplied the necessary info.  To hell with hindering their war efforts - they don't need you to do that, or you could even just "desert" your new comrades and do it guerrilla-style.

Unfortunately it seems that the whole campaign hinges on one factor that doesn't stand up too well to scrutiny.  If you could somehow strengthen that connection, then it could work.

Very creative...that one point kind of kills it for me though.  I don't know if that's the prevailing sentiment, but again, I think it's a problem.
« Last Edit: 03 May 2004, 05:32:28 by SEAL84 »


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Re:My first Campaign Idea
« Reply #4 on: 03 May 2004, 20:35:46 »
THat's the most detailed critisism ever... :o

I think a change is in order then stepping into a spetz natz shoes is good cause yuor higher up. He would be a highpriority target too. Considering a lower lt or captain might not be as secretive, NATO intelligence could get pics so as to remodel your face. Actually that could be the first mission, get pics of the spetz natz guy so you can be remodeled after him. You'd need the plastic surgery cause well its pretty obvious, one day sergei is there with brown hair when all the sdden a new guy with sergei's everything comes in blond with blue eyes, wait that's not sergei he had amber eyes, SPY!

As for the SF team sent to take you out, did you read the part about the tent where sniper bullets fly through it and you duck under the table, the mortar attack, shadows near roads and bases your at, the riding in APCs as much as possible, and the Ural incident.

As for staying in the Soviet army, instead of more dangerous gerullia(cant spell that damned word) warfare you'd have a much easier time being the officer walking around "inspecting" vehicles and ammo caches and weapons. Placing some C4 in a truck full of ammo before it leaves base and then detonating it to mask it as a scep ops attack would work.

I'm not really sure why you'd keep attacking NATO.. :-\
Maybe when you have to snipe some inportant NATO dudes, your Spetz Natz partner is wounded right before you approach the target but the assailent is killed silently without alerting anyone. It'd seem suspicious if you have to take the shot and you won't even though the spetz natz guy is there with the radio.....

Maybe you have one of them mercenaries after you who masks the sniper attack as NATO so you get the wrong idea about your COs. Something along those lines maybe...

Thanks for helping me fill in some of the holes... ;)

Offline SEAL84

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Re:My first Campaign Idea
« Reply #5 on: 03 May 2004, 21:32:42 »
Yeah I saw the part about the sniper shooting at you - as I understood it, that happened AFTER you started taking out NATO troops.  I suggested flipping the events so that you'd have a reason to start attacking NATO troops.

Damn, I just thought out a situation involving that sniper mission and I'm still coming up empty on how you could make it work. :-\


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Re:My first Campaign Idea
« Reply #6 on: 04 May 2004, 03:48:40 »
I guess I misunderstood you. Maybe that mercenary thing would work or an old enemy/(evil guy in all stories) who intiates the sniper attack. Maybe Spetz Natz or something odd. Once again I can't make campaigns well so this stuff is entirely up to the mission maker. :P

If that Ural your riding in gets the cab blown off via scripts well that'd be freaking cool!  ;D