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Author Topic: Commando...  (Read 1692 times)

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« on: 13 Apr 2004, 23:51:49 »
I was toying around with an idea a little while back, and i thought it may make a good addon for OFP...

I was wondering if somone could make a black op or commando unit equiped with:
1) a silenced XM-8 Assault rifle
2) Reactive impact armor
3) Swimming abilities (CoC's combat diver's script)
4) A silenced MK-23 Pistol (like in Metal Gear Solid 2: SOL)

The impact armor would allow the commando to take more than one hit, the armor (in theory, the idea hasn't been put into practical use yet) would be a flexible surface that when hit with a sudden blow goes ridged. In short, you shoot someone whos wearing this and it will imedeatly react and absorb most of the energy from the bullet, much the way a bullet-proof vest does only more so. I was thinking this could be done in OFP by using a similar system to what the T800 addon used (only not quite as hard to kill, the armor could only take a 3-5 hits). Maybe add another version with a silenced sniper-rifle? It would make one kick-a$$ assasin... ;D


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« Reply #1 on: 14 Apr 2004, 05:12:10 »
For CoC, i think that function can be added via a script.  For a Mk23, download INQ's high-res weapons pack, on ofp.info .

As for the others, they would need to be made.

Offline Raptorsaurus

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« Reply #2 on: 14 Apr 2004, 05:22:39 »
One could use the "tough dude" script from the editor depot to simulate the improved bullet proof vest.  You could adjust the parameters of the script to allow more/less damage before the guy dies.  Also, you can use the "hit" eventhandler so that if he is hit in the head he is killed (unless he also has a kevlar helmet).


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« Reply #3 on: 14 Apr 2004, 23:32:24 »
The armor would apply to the whole body, a hood made of the material would be included... the whole point is it's light and flexible and almost impossible to shoot through.

Very useful, eh? ;)
« Last Edit: 15 Apr 2004, 20:59:53 by Coldfire »

Offline myke13021

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« Reply #4 on: 22 Apr 2004, 14:07:33 »
hmmm....a hood, which is bulletproof, but flexible....wouldn't it be that way, that the bullet does not go through the hood, but the kinetic energy of the bullet would break the head?
If you want protect the head, it has to be something stable to avoid this case, me thinks.


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« Reply #5 on: 22 Apr 2004, 22:19:08 »
hmmmm... good point. A helmet then? Add a built-in NVG set (like in BAS's 160th SOAR pilots) and such

Also, another thought (though I doubt it's possible to acomplish with OFP) maybe add in addaptive camo (like the new Aston-Martin Vanquish in the latest Jmaes Bond film). Though, like i said, it's a bit unlikely
it's an interesting thought, though... ;)

Offline myke13021

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« Reply #6 on: 23 Apr 2004, 18:41:26 »
yep, a helmet...but as bullet's usual speed is around 900m/s, i think if it doesn't kill you, at least it would knock you out for a few seconds  ;D

But maybe this goes now too far into "how realistic should it be" discussion.

About the adaptive camo...i know you can change textures during the game (at least i do this with a Message Board addon)...i guess the hard part is to recon what type of area you're in.
But an idea could be, make some different basic camo's (Desert, wood, whatever) and just switch through day and night camo (say "hood" texture during daytime and "black" during nighttime).

So this isn't really camo changing, but as far i know, Missions usually stays in area where they started  ;)
« Last Edit: 23 Apr 2004, 18:42:24 by myke13021 »


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« Reply #7 on: 24 Apr 2004, 04:19:25 »
The whole point about addaptive camo is it changes with you enviromeny... I dont suppose it would be possible to make a semi-transparent modle and switch to that when you activate the camo system?

Sounds unlikly, but it's the only idea I've got right now...

Offline myke13021

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« Reply #8 on: 24 Apr 2004, 05:17:06 »
i think automatic changing wouldn't work...but maybe there could be Actions like "Switch to Desert Camo", "Switch to Snow Camo" and so on...at least this would be an alternative...


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« Reply #9 on: 24 Apr 2004, 05:29:36 »
that would be usful.... but it would clutter up the command menu. It might make more sense to just do individual units with different cammo configurations (like BAS's Delta/Rangers).


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« Reply #10 on: 24 Apr 2004, 13:15:51 »
You could use a single "Camo change" menu, so that when you select it, all the camo options could show. And have a close camo menu option
(It's whats done with the CoC Arty)

Hmmmm... You know the chopper dust scripts.. They seems to be able to work out (Atleast on the standard islands, like Novagoa) what the ground it like, like, as I said, on Novagoa, when you fly from the grass, to the sand-y bit, it changes the dust effects.....

Could this be adapted to the camo script?
- Ben