First of, don't bother with the player exec "murder.sqs". Just use [] exec "murder.sqs"
Second, as LCD said, you'll only ever get the last few being killed. I would recommend using something like this:
_targeteder= _this select 0
_targeteder setcombatmode "red"
_targeteder setbehaviour "combat"
;Put the names of the civvy's inbetween the []'s
_tmp = 0
_tmp= _tmp + 1
? _tmp >= _count:exit
_Civv=_Civvs select _tmp
? not (alive _Civv):goto "loop1"
_targeteder dofire _Civv
_targeteder reveal _Civv
@not (alive _civv)
goto "loop1"
Not fully tested, but put that into a script and then out each of the civvy's names into the "array" (_Civvs=[name1,name2,name3,andso-on] <----That thing!)IE:
then call it using:
[Nameofmurder] exec "nameofthisscript.sqs"
Any q's? Think it Should Work