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Author Topic: Exploding car  (Read 490 times)

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Exploding car
« on: 19 Apr 2004, 18:27:04 »
I know this script has kind of been done wen the car reaches a particular speed but what im interested in is having a car just kamikaze into a truck or a house and explode. How and what do i need to write?


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Re:Exploding car
« Reply #1 on: 19 Apr 2004, 21:26:51 »
Well, there is a Kamakazie script at the editors depot. You could use that along with:

Code: [Select]
?(CAR distance TRUCK < 2) : CAR setdammage 4

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Exploding car
« Reply #2 on: 20 Apr 2004, 20:17:04 »
Ya, I wrote a sucide bomber script ages ago that works with cars as well... It sucks so hard. I think I wrote it just after I finnished reading half Johan's Scripting Tute lol. :P

Anyway, it does work even though the code isn't the most beautiful. ;D

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Exploding car
« Reply #3 on: 20 Apr 2004, 22:11:35 »
Haven't seen the others, but heres one that should work nicely with cars, people (suicide bombers), anything really:

Code: [Select]

;_detdist is distance from target that detonation occurs

;change explosive for more/less bang if you want

;Check distance and close with target
_bomber move getpos _target
_dis=_bomber distance _target
?(_dis > _detdist):goto "discheck"

?(typeof _bomber==man):deletevehicle _bomber
;line above gets rid of body if bomber is a man

_explosive camcreate getpos _bomber

Should work fine, but was not actually tested.
