Alright, no dramas, I can help you with this. I have written this system into it's own script because I use it so often, I'll attach it to this message in a minute, but first I'll try to explain it. Also, I should tell you that if you just set your parachutist's positions to outside the plane, they will not respond correctly when you give them a movement order. You should first either 'eject' them, or better still give them the 'getout' command. If you eject them, it tends to have the unsightly side effect of spawning an empty parachute
The system you will need to use to derive your new X,Y,Z position (the point at which you want to move yourparachutists or bomblets) is as follows: You will first need a start point, in your example this will be the X,Y,Z position of your plane. You will also need to specify the angle and distance from the plane's grid to the point in space you want to spawn your bomblets or drop your parachutists. In the example of the parachutists, to drop them right out of the back door, the angle would be the plane's direction minus 180, and the distance would probably be about half the length of the plane. Now, to calculate the grid of your intended spawn point from the plane's X,Y,Z position you need to take X and add it to the sin of the angle specified, multiplied by the distance you set (X + (Sin Angle * Distance)). I hope I'm not losing you. This newly calculated figure is the X element for the spawn point grid. I know this confused the hell out of me when I was relearning it all for Flashpoint scripting, but you strike me as an intelligent chap so I'll crack on and see where it leaves us. To derive the new Y element for the spawn point's grid, we need to do the same again, except using Cosine this time. So, take the plane's grid Y value and add it to the cosine of your specified angle multiplied by the desired distance (it goes without saying, the distance and angle must be common to both the X and Y's best just to use a local variable so you can chop and change at will). Now you have the X and Y value's for your spawn point. This point is 2 dimentional at the moment because it has no Z value (altitude), but it is mathematically perfect. It is the point on the horizontal plane exactly at the specified distance and angle from the plane's grid. Now you just need to fill in the Z value, which obviously requires no maths at all. You can set it to a constant altitude if you like, or if you want to relate it to your example, you can just set it to the plane's altitude (plus or minus).
Below is a script I wrote a while back for this very purpose. It doesn't take into account the plane's direction though, it's not for you to just cut out and fit into your script, because I know you want to do it yourself. I'm just trying to give you, in script form, exactly what I've already tried to explain.
;This script finds the grid (X,Y,Z) of a position, given it's angle and distance from any object.
;_Unit - The initial object from which the new position is to be found.
;_Ang - The direction (degrees) from from the initial object to the intended new position.
;_Dist - The distance from from the initial object to the intended new position.
;Final value produced:
;_TgtPos - The grid (X,Y,Z) of the new position.
_Unit = _this select 0
_Ang = _this select 1
_Dist = _this select 2
_TgtPos = [((getPos _Unit select 0) + ((sin _Ang) * _Dist)),((getPos _Unit select 1) + ((cos _Ang) * _Dist)),(getPos _Unit select 2)]