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Author Topic: static ammo?  (Read 508 times)

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static ammo?
« on: 10 Apr 2004, 23:04:09 »
ages ago, i had in the objects section in the editor, access to static ammo (static scud, static satchel, static maverik, static shell, static mortar etc..., after a few c:\ formats i ended up without those static ammo thinggys, any idea which addon it was and where to find it? i've got keg's 1.2 res addon, but the static ammo doesn't show up. was it gunslinger's addon?

I wanted to use this static ammo because i'm trying to camcreate a pipebomb and make it blow up at the same time but i dunno how to do that? any ideas?

I only came up with

Code: [Select]
"pipebomb"camcreate[getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, 1]
this makes the pipebomb appear but i don't know how to make it blow up...  ???


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Re:static ammo?
« Reply #1 on: 10 Apr 2004, 23:53:52 »
could of sworn it was EditorUpgrade102, although i cant find any static scuds ect either, could only be gun slingers then.


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Re:static ammo?
« Reply #2 on: 11 Apr 2004, 14:17:13 »
pipebomb : a soldier can out it by command :
soldier fire ["put","pipebomb"] but I`m not sure about it, i`ll better check when I return home. The you touch it off by command soldieraction ["touchoff","pipebomb"] (I`m not sure of this one, too. If you don`t want a soldier to put a bomb, you can use something like this:

explosion = "shell73" camcreate getpos satchelname// creates an explosion
you can create several explosions with different types of ammo, p.ex. heat 102, shell 102, heat 73 etc.

if you want the satchel to to be no longer visible, you write deletevehicle satchelname or satchelname setpos [1,1,1] and player won`t see it then.

satchelname is the name you give the satchel by the command, p.ex.  satchel = "pipebomb" camcreate getpos player

I`ve got the full list of tank ammo in resistance, but I left it at home :(


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Re:static ammo?
« Reply #3 on: 11 Apr 2004, 18:22:52 »
thx for all replies, i'll try when i get home
i know how to make something blow up with shell whateva, but i'm pretty sure satchel charges are a bit stronger than a normal shell120... is there any way to spawn the satchel charge explosion (instead of the satchel itself) where i want it? i tried putting a million shell120 to explode but it takes up cpu :P and there is no splash damage which is what i'm looking for... any ideas?


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Re:static ammo?
« Reply #4 on: 12 Apr 2004, 13:36:28 »
camcreate a "laserguidedbomb"
It's fairly powerfull :P
I mamanged to send a car over 200m in to the air no bother ;)
- Ben


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Re:static ammo?
« Reply #5 on: 12 Apr 2004, 16:33:44 »
yep i know they aren`t as powerful as a satchel but you can mix a couple of explosions, as in this script:

wybuch = "shell73" camcreate getpos satchel
wybuch6 = "shell73" camcreate getpos satchel
wybuch7 = "shell73" camcreate getpos satchel
wybuch8 = "shell73" camcreate getpos satchel
wybuch9 = "shell73" camcreate getpos satchel
wybuch10 = "shell73" camcreate getpos satchel
ja removeaction 1
wybuch1 = "shell73" camcreate getpos satchel
wybuch2= "shell73" camcreate getpos satchel
wybuch3 = "shell73" camcreate getpos satchel
wybuch4 = "shell73" camcreate getpos satchel
wybuch5 = "shell73" camcreate getpos satchel
satchel setpos [1,1,1000]

and when there are 10 explosions, it looks way more spectacular, with stones flying all around :)

there`s also a list attached.

about laserguidedbomb : wow!  :o not bad :)
« Last Edit: 12 Apr 2004, 16:39:27 by Maclav »


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Re:static ammo?
« Reply #6 on: 13 Apr 2004, 09:27:02 »
thx for the replies! and thx for that list  8)
cheers :cheers: