first of all...camsettarget and camsetpos works with x,y,z coordinates also as with unit names.
so the command
_cam camsettarget chopper
will make target the camera the unit named "chopper".
Zombie showed the perfect way to create a cutscene in shortest time as possible...but sadly this cutscene is very unhandy to edit after it is created.
Try to move this camera pos 5 meters to the NorthEast: [3167.87,6105.09,2.00]
there 's a better way to do this...use Gamelocigs as camera positions (and targets if needed)
This works also:
create a gamelogic where you want to have your first camera position, name it something like "campos1" and put the following in it's init line:
this setpos [getpos campos1 select 0, getpos campos1 select 1, (getpos campos1 select 2) +50]
in fact, this line only sets its altitude (50 meters above ground)
if you want to look at nothin special (means, there's no unit or vehic you could set as target like the beautiful sunrise
), create another gamelogic, name it e.g. "target1" and put the same init line as above...of course by replacing campos1 with target1
then your first camera commands would look like this:
_camera camSetTarget target1
_camera camSetPos getpos campos1
_camera camSetFOV 0.700
_camera camCommit 0
@camCommitted _camera
This makes it possible to move camera position around without leaving the editor, opening the camera script, editing the positions, saving the script, switch back to the editor...just to see it isn't what you wanted.
Just drag the gamelogics around, change its altitude and you're ready to preview.
About the hitchcock zoom:
2 gamelogics campos1 and campos2...campos1 further away from object and campos2 closer to it
_camera camSetTarget object
_camera camSetPos getpos campos1
_camera camSetFOV 0.1
_camera camCommit 0
@camCommitted _camera
_camera camSetPos getpos campos2
_camera camSetFOV 0.9
_camera camCommit 2
@camCommitted _camera
this should do the hitchcock zoom...unsure about the FOV settings....just play around with it till you get the zoom you want