well, i know i'm not the smartest but this thing is killing me...i try to make a well working taxi system which let's you call a taxi. In editor preview it works perfectly, as server it works perfectly, but if a client tries to use it...taxi's wont move.
Here's the script that gives me so much headache...maybe someone of you knows what i did wrong or how i could fix it.
_name = name player
_posp = player
_pos1 = taxi1
_pos2 = taxi2
_nearer1 = 0
_nearer2 = 0
_dist1 = _posp distance _pos1
_dist2 = _posp distance _pos2
?(_dist1 <= _dist2): _nearer1 = 1
?(_dist2 <= _dist1): _nearer2 = 1
?(taxi1busy == 0) AND (_nearer1 == 1): goto "taxi1"
?(taxi2busy == 0) AND (_nearer2 == 1): goto "taxi2"
?(taxi1busy == 0): goto "taxi1"
?(taxi2busy == 0): goto "taxi2"
_msg = format ["Sorry %1,\nthere's no free Taxi.\nTry again later.", _name]
goto "end"
_cab = taxidriver1
_msg = format ["%1, Taxi #1 is on the Way.\nPlease be patient", _name]
taxi1target setpos getpos player
taxi1busy = 1; publicvariable "taxi1busy"
_target = taxi1target
[] exec "taxi1release.sqs"
goto "move"
_cab = taxidriver2
_msg = format ["%1, Taxi #2 is on the Way.\nPlease be patient", _name]
taxi2target setpos getpos player
taxi2busy = 1; publicvariable "taxi2busy"
_target = taxi2target
[] exec "taxi2release.sqs"
goto "move"
_cab move getpos _target
hint _msg