Instead of answering with a question which the one asking will be looking at next time around, answer with both ways of doing it.
The best way is to use Softeggs script:
hereIf you use it as a separate script, you'll have to execute it as follows:
[getPos unitName select 0,getPos unitName select 1] exec "position_softegg.sqs"
and modify the line:
hint format ["%1%2", _xcoor, _ycoor]
unitName sideChat format ["%1%2", _xcoor, _ycoor]
Optionally you can pass another element to the script so you can use that for multiple units. But I'll leave that up to you to ask
And the 2nd way was already covered partially:
unitName sideChat format ["I'm at %1%2",getPos unitName select 0,getPos unitName select 1]
but I doubt that's of much use.