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Author Topic: I need help  (Read 1834 times)

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I need help
« on: 01 Apr 2004, 00:35:34 »
How do I play my WRP map?

Offline Planck

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Re:I need help
« Reply #1 on: 01 Apr 2004, 01:10:08 »
You need to make a config.cpp for it and then pbo the .wrp file and the config file.

Then place the pbo into Addons.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:I need help
« Reply #2 on: 21 Apr 2004, 11:08:17 »
submit the map somwhere...


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Re:I need help
« Reply #3 on: 23 Apr 2004, 17:54:38 »
Heres a config you can edit :
Code: [Select]
class CfgPatches {
   class blahblah {
      units[] = {};
      weapons[] = {};
      worlds[] = {blahblah};
      requiredVersion = 1.20;

class CfgWorlds {
   class DefaultWorld {
   class Intro : DefaultWorld {
   class blahblah : Intro {
      access = 3;
      description = "My world!!";
      worldName = "\fodlername\filename.wrp";

class CfgWorldList {
   class blahblah {

You need to change :
blahblah to something like myisland (I normally use onix_name)
This line worldName = "\fodlername\filename.wrp";
Foldername is the foldername...! :P
This is acctaly the PBO name, but you put the WRP file, and this config in the fodler, and use MakePBO on the folder..

If you use find and replace on that file in notepad (I'm sure the win xp version has that, if not copy/paste it into wordpad, then copy/paste it back to notepad), find blahblah, and replace it with, say, I would use, onix_island

If you need anymore help, MSN me
Or email/pm

Good luck :)
- Ben


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Re:I need help
« Reply #4 on: 16 May 2004, 18:40:14 »
this is the config and i have makepbo and everytome i have it make the .pbo with this config it does not work i have it in a folder name map\carentan.wrp and also init is the config carentan.cpp is this right or is there something wrong with the config or can someone just put it ingame for me.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 class CfgPatches \{\par
   class Normandy \{\par
      units[] = \{\};\par
      weapons[] = \{\};\par
      worlds[] = \{Normandy\};\par
      requiredVersion = 1.20;\par
class CfgWorlds \{\par
   class DefaultWorld \{\par
   class Intro : DefaultWorld \{\par
   class Normandy : Intro \{\par
      access = 3;\par
      description = "My world!!";\par
      worldName = "\\Map\carentan.wrp";\par
class CfgWorldList \{\par
   class Normandy \{\par

Offline Planck

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Re:I need help
« Reply #5 on: 16 May 2004, 19:12:05 »
ok..........Just so everything is clear.

Your config makes no sense.

Post here what you want your PBO file to be called.

Post also the exact name of your .wrp file.

Post also what you want the map called on the choose island screen in the editor.

If you supply this info I can knock up a config for you in seconds.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:I need help
« Reply #6 on: 16 May 2004, 19:20:57 »
Carentan is the name i want
there it is thanks

Offline Planck

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Re:I need help
« Reply #7 on: 16 May 2004, 19:25:00 »
OK......Try this for a basic config.cpp.

Code: [Select]

#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

#define true 1
#define false 0

#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

class CfgPatches
   class Carentan
      units[] = {};
      weapons[] = {};
      worlds[] = {"Carentan"};
      requiredVersion = 1.30;
class CfgVehicles{};
class CfgSurfaces
   class Default {};
class CfgEnvSounds {};
class CfgWorlds
   class DefaultWorld {};
   class  Carentan: DefaultWorld
      plateFormat="ML$ - #####";
      class Sounds
      class Animation
      class Names
class CfgWorldList
   class  Carentan{};

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:I need help
« Reply #8 on: 18 May 2004, 17:01:24 »
Remember to get a Tag registed on OFPEC and use that ;)
- Ben
PS, the config looks like it should work :)


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Re:I need help
« Reply #9 on: 21 May 2004, 23:40:39 »
hey it did not work i don't know why it went into the game and when i clicked on it to go see it.  It just shut flashpoint down.

Offline Planck

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Re:I need help
« Reply #10 on: 22 May 2004, 01:30:59 »
If you want, I can look at it for you.

email it to me:


I will try it out and see what might be wrong.

First though, double check that your .wrp file is called Carentan.wrp and your PBO is called Carentan.pbo.

If they are so named, then it must be a fault with the .wrp file somewhere.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:I need help
« Reply #11 on: 23 May 2004, 12:57:40 »
Gday mate..

A quick cheat i use to view my isle..
Is to overwrite ...-the OperationFlashpoint/Worlds/Intro.wrp file with the isle im editing. (you can always rename it later)

And make sure all required objects are in addons directory.

Then remove addons from data directory (my setup in WRPedit) and play OFP
Load up in mission editor through 'desert isle'

Make a note I am using WRPedit.


MadAussie out...

BTW Planck is the man for the cpp to get it done correctly