Can you camcreate/createvehicle the stuff inside the script please
Sure, I guess...It just seems like more work if you want to change the unit types that way. Instead of clicking in-editor, and using the dialog menus to select the unit you want, you would have to go in and manually type the object names and coordinates etc.
This is going to be a very adaptable end product. Ideally, in the final version you will only have to edit the init.sqs to reflect the unit names you want to be aaa, small arms, or radar.
Heres how it will prrobably end up:
each radar will be the "core" of each cluster. They will each independently scan for targets within their search radius. The units in the radar's group will be the aaa/small arms nodes. Each radar will communicate with it's nodes and prioritize/assign targets. If you take out the radar, the Flak will lose the ability to accurately adjust for range, greatly reducing it's effectiveness, and the flak gunners will be stuck using AI (confused by invisible targets.
So you could place a unit where you wanted, name them "r1","r2" or whatever, name the Flak vehicles "f1","f2",etc. Then in the init.sqs, you just plug the radar into the proper arrays (radararray=[r1,r2,r3]), each radar will exec it's own scan.sqs, and will assign targets to units in their group array (_flaklist=units group _r) where _r is passed with the scan.sqs exec array.
Oh, and you don't really need to name each target. As of the last version, it uses an uber-trigger to ID all of the air units and put them into an array. If your mission camcreates air units after the init runs, you could easily move them into the target array with some easy scripting.
Hope that made sense...