Got it all setup and done !
Not that much blood and tears, I must say.
BAS "choose Time of Mission" pack of scripts turned into "Choose Your Strategy" pack
In my sample mission, you now begin with "go there and choose" as first waypoint.
Then a PopUp asks you to choose between three opportunities, with WayPoints controlled by boolean variables. Once the choice is made, the according WP appears in cadet mode, and on your objective's Briefing Page accordingly, while the Markers swithing colour on the map.
At this stage of development, the mission ends upon reaching the choosen WP, but it would be easy to give the choice again or to switch to un-reached WP as next WP.
The strategy Choice is anyway available thru action-menu.
Once the choice is made by you, the AI will follow them (ie your leader if you are not the commanding officer)
Sure, the AI will not handle the choice by itself...
Bug: I had to go for the rather complicated CreateDialog command, with onScreen PopUp Trigger-activated, because no Addaction command reveals in a vehicle. Hence if in a vehicle, you need a trigger to get you the PopUp, and you gotta get out of the vehicle if you need to change your choice...
how to add an action to a vehicle ?
Send me PM if you're interested in further development of the pack, or just wan't to check it out.
I will post it to "script betaTest" and to EdDepot shortly.
Bye, from Peacepunk.
Thanks, to McGuba pushing me into this,
Cheers to BAS for the Description.ext the pack is based on.