I brought back this thread coz it deserves an answer
First off, the HTTV should fit the MH cargo if you ask me, since its not
any bigger than a normal jeep/jeepMG (at least not much).
However, there's NO "fake-HTTV" model included in the BAS_MH47E pack,
and thus ya cannot stuff the car up her rump, so to speak. :-X
BUT... what you CAN do is this:
open the *PBO file named "bas_cargo" and locate a scroll named... aarh sh*t I forgot...
but its something like bascargo or helicargo or alike...
Then ya need to copy a line and
paste it below in the script as a new line of coding, with class name of a "jeep" changed to "httv" or whatever.
The httv that I have fit the rope sling that is meant for the jeep / jeepMG, so thats fine:
we can transport the httv below the bird, using a cargo sling!
there's one more thing ya need to alter, that is a certain array used to define the size of rope used.
there an array for trucks and one for small & big jeeps as far as I remember.
The HTTV should be included in the "jeep/jeepMG" array.
You go figure it out back home, m8s
More MH-47E bas codes right
HERE :toocool:
Oh, and if anyone knows how to start (AI pilots, ungrouped) with an MH flying & carrying a truck or
a HMMWV (cargo sling) instantly from start of mission then plz drop a line about it here!