To answer the inquiries...
FerretFangs -
What you see above each of the cargo doors are the fast roping struts. If a situation arises where it's unsafe to touch down, and the need to repel into the IZ is necessary, they'll throw the ropes from those points. They're also used in rapid extractions, where touching down would spend too much time in a combat zone. A looprope will be attached to each strut, thrown out at the EP and each operative will clip himself to the rope. Fast, easy, effective, but extremely unsafe, and therefore, very rare to see.
That moves me onto the other subject - What keeps us in place? Depends who you operate with and what equipment is provided, but it is all the same general device - a modified caribiner with quick release.
Last thing to touch on - the legs out on landing. FerretFang, you made an alright comparison with the "swing" comment. It does help to have a little momentum to slide off the plank. Also, when you step off of something, you want a fluid motion. The last thing you need to think about is your feet when you're landing in a hot zone. You want to have your mind on your environment, and not on where to put your feet. Imagine if you had your feet tucked under the plank and slid off to step down on a skid. If that skid lifts, you're fucked, and you're compromised. In easiest terms - do it to be safe. You dont want things to go SNAFU by not doing things the correct way and making a wrong move.
I hope that answered a few questions - Anything else, I'll be happy to address.
Cheers mates
btw Tiger - the report's coming along great - ill be done tonight.