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Author Topic: What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios  (Read 48902 times)

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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #330 on: 16 Dec 2002, 00:25:42 »
That Really Bites  :(, oh well it's like they say only the good die young  :-\


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #331 on: 16 Dec 2002, 08:40:41 »
Some high quality Russian Troops would be a welcome addition...the delat team is looking top notch and it will make the Russians look that much worse.  There is a serious lack of Russian infantry of very good quality.  There are plenty of reskins, but nothing done from the ground up or anything that matches the quality of the Delta team.  

Monkey Lib Front

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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #332 on: 16 Dec 2002, 11:50:32 »
and there is also no basic US/UK troops ou there that have new models.


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #333 on: 16 Dec 2002, 11:59:31 »
We have a Russian Project also  ;D
It will have a lot of Russian troops as well as new Russian Hellos and Armoured Vehicles, to be honest we already have textures for the entire Russian Army, also the BMD-2 is finneshed (model by Evis)  ;D But first thing first, after the Delta, which are almost done, we'll have the Seals  ;)


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #334 on: 16 Dec 2002, 12:12:12 »
About the kiowa warrior pack. Dont know how much work it will be but when i where in bosnia under nato i saw it with 2 hellfires and the 50 cal. could you include this?? its not in your list.
Didnt get a reply on this, but found some pictures to show that it is somthing being used and not just a made up weapon combo  :)
First picture doesnt have the hell fires on, but its the weapons mount for the hellfires. Second picture have both Hellfire's and 50cal pod. For infomation this was the most seen configuration along with the 50cal + FFAR pods in bosnia.

Also found a movie about the Kiowa warrior at this link.

And last just a another question. Are you going to have the pod on top of the rotors follow the gunners sight??
« Last Edit: 16 Dec 2002, 12:35:26 by Dkraver »


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #335 on: 16 Dec 2002, 12:39:27 »
yes the optical mast does track the gunners sight, but, we wont be having the Hellfire/50cal combo for a few reasons...

and regarding the next projects you'll just have to WAIT AND SEE  ;)


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #336 on: 16 Dec 2002, 12:47:17 »
yes the optical mast does track the gunners sight, but, we wont be having the Hellfire/50cal combo for a few reasons...

and regarding the next projects you'll just have to WAIT AND SEE  ;)
Mind telling the reasons??


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #337 on: 16 Dec 2002, 13:13:06 »
there are a few:

pack size
work load
game play

concentrating on other projects which will be "embraced" by you guys... not just: "oh more Americans...."


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #338 on: 16 Dec 2002, 13:31:44 »
Quality stuff and only 8 days till Crimbo!  :D
Maybe I'll forgo watching It's a Wonderful Life and The Great Escape to play with BAS's latest toys  ;)
What's all this talk of a BAS Landrover? Are you doing an SAS pinkie or the US Marines version? Or is it a secret?  ;)


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #339 on: 16 Dec 2002, 13:36:01 »
A bit of everything m8...

no, seriously its a secret...  :P


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #340 on: 16 Dec 2002, 14:03:09 »
Fair enough  :)


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #341 on: 16 Dec 2002, 14:27:03 »
there are a few:

pack size
work load
game play
Pack size
The littlebird pack had 5 choppers and where a little less than 6 Meg. The current Kiowa pack have 5 choppers according to your list so how much bigger can the kiowa pack be vs the LB pack and how much more space would one more chopper use.

Work load
Well it would use some time making but wouldnt be that much i would think. You already have the weapons and the chopper models, so wouldnt it just be a Copy & paste job more or less?? And the same thing with the config since i would think they where made out aswell??

Game play
Hmmm this isnt really a reason is it?? If it is there in real life there's also room for it in the game. Also since this is your mission
To make realistic, high quality, highly accurate and highly detailed addons
i see a even bigger reason to see it in game. Also with the LB pack you didnt just make the versions with minigun/FFAR and the one with outside seats, but you also made the 2 Hellfire/FFAR/minigun and the MD500D TOW versions.  ;)

Just thought of something that could make me unpopular with some since it would delay the Kiowa pack. But here goes. You should only have one unarmed chopper as a base model. Then have it so you could add the weapon mounts you want that have the ammo included. Just like this.
Weapon mounts:
Duel Hellfire mount (with two hellfire's)
FFAR Pod (with 7 rockets)
Duel Stinger Mount (with 2 stinger's)
50cal Pod (with the ammount of shots one of these have  :) )
And then either some ammocrates or a support vehicle that you could place near a helipad or where you want it to land and rearm.
Reasons for this would be realism. The Real Life version have two weapon arms that can attach these four weapon mounts. It doesnt need new arms for each weapon since the attachment for these weapons are the same. So basicly you could make what version you want, and change it in a mission if needed.
I would rather see something like this and wait for it, if it can be done.


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #342 on: 16 Dec 2002, 16:06:21 »
about the loadouts the Kiowa can only carry 2 types of weapons not like 2 stingers 2 hellfire 1 50cal etc

this are the posible loadouts

the Pack size at this moment is 1.34mb

and we are gone discuss if we will first make more weapon loadouts before releasing because we have to release a OH58 model in mlod with it otherwise we are not allowed to release (BIS told us)


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #343 on: 16 Dec 2002, 16:10:31 »
Maybe if we have luck BAS make all landrover a medic, open version with mg, Landy without gun, the 6 or 8 wheel landy 8)


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #344 on: 16 Dec 2002, 16:55:40 »
To Vixer.
Thx for showing that drawing with weapon loadouts, show exacly what i mean. But i think you might have misunderstod me about the weapons selection i surgested. What i said is NOT to have two weapon on one side or more, but just to be able to change between the weapon (50cal, duel Tow launcher, duel stinger launcher and the FFAR pod (by duel i mean that the weapon mount have two missiles/rockets in it))thats on the weapons pylon/arm. About the MLOD thing. Im not really into it but does it do that you cant change a weapon loadout with "removeallweapon this" and so on?? Otherwise the surgestion i made would work out fine. Since you would be able to choose between which weapon you want on left side and which weapon you want on right side. And if you only have one weapon point on each side you cant have more weapons there.

What i surgested is that the weapon could be replaced or rearmed, when selecting a new weapon at a place where you could rearm (vehicle/weapons crates) just like you rearm the apache or a abrams at the ammo truck. Only difference would be that you would be able to change to a new weapons mount when doing so and the weapon on the chopper would change aswell when doing so. Only problem i see is that the 50 cal pod might be able to be on both sides. Unless that the weapons point can be configured only to have it on the left side.

Otherwise here is how it would work:
From start you place the unarmed chopper in you editor. Then you write which two weapons you want on it with the
this addweapon "50calgunpod"; this addweapon "ffarpod";
then at some point on the map you add a object called (example) Kiowa Weapon's cache's. When you hover near it or land beside it you will get the following at the lower right side popup menu:
Rearm 50cal gun pod
Change 50cal gun pod to FFAR pod
Change 50cal gun pod to Hellfire weapons mount
Change 50cal gun pod to Stinger weapons mount
rearm FFAR pod
Change FFAR pod to Hellfire weapons mount
Change FFAR pod to Stinger weapons mount

When you change weapon type the new weapon will show on the chopper and when you choose rearm it will have ammo reloaded like a normal ammo truck.
« Last Edit: 16 Dec 2002, 16:57:12 by Dkraver »