Find a p90, edit it in o2 (Theres tuts)
Add the stuff (Read all the tutorials you can find
Get the weapons config, change the names in it (Like Orig_p90 { to My_jumpedup_p90 { )Or get someone who know's config files to make one for you..
Use Make-PBO or another prog to make .pbo's, and compress the folder you put your new model and config (.cpp) file in..
Shove the pbo in the addons folder and use this addweapon "my_jumpedup_p90"
and this addmagazine "jumpedup_p90_50rnd_mag"
- Ben
BTW, the laser, put a thin red cylinder on the weapon, select it, and put the texture on it (Just any red JPEG, and drag the corners over where the tube is.. Press A to get to texure mode, and B to apply texture)
BTW2All will make senses when you read BRSEB (Or what the name is.. It's linked a lot from this forum
) tutorials!
Oh, sorry if you don't understand/know everything I've just said.. I don't know how much you know... MSN me for more help