I am making a tank turret. I have a sloping side that I want to place a piece of angle bar on. Now I can select the face and change the view to look at face and thats quite nice, but that puts my new faces in the z-plane which is not very useful to work with.
Is there a way I can convert the view so that it is perpendicular to a look at faces view?
Okay, just worked a way out, is this the best one?
1. Select face you want to come out at right angles from.
2. Click look at this face
3. Place a vertex somewhere in this view
4. Shift RMB with Y locked. make another vertex
5. In top view select both vertexes and Shift RMB make copies anywhere
6. Move the copies in a close up so that they would be joined together if you draw a snigle line through them
7. make this into a face
8. Click on look at this face.
This is a really long winded way to do it, are there any shortcuts?