Shouldn't be too hard
I'll guess you want the player to select "Set up camp" in the actions menu (Where drop weapon, pick up weapon etc apper)
player removeaction campactiong
_centerposx = getpos player select 0
_centerposy = getpos player select 1
_centerposz = getpos player select 0
tent1 = "CampEast" camcreate [_centerposx + 5, _centerposy, _centerposz]
fire1 = "Fire" camcreate [_centerposx + 2, _centerposy, _centerposz]
tent1 setdammage 1
tent1 setdammage 0.5
tent1 setdammage 0
fire1 inflame true
HINT "Camps up!"
You'll need to save this in notepad (etc), and save it as setupcamp.sqs (Anything really).. But make sure you change Text File (*.txt) to All Files
Save this in your mission directory (/Op Flashpoint Dir/Users/UserName/Mission Name.intro but a few thing changed)
Then, add to the players INIT field (In Advanced mode), campactiong = this addaction ["Set up camp", "setupcamp.sqs"]
Save/Preview the mission.. Walk around a bit, and press enter on the Set Up Camp menu option..
The tent should apper, flatened (Like it's destroyed), then half up (Half destroyed) and then 5 seconds later, it's as good as new!
It's the best way I can think of ATM, sorry
Warning : This script might not work!!I'm not sure of the class names for the fire and tent.. I've looked in cfgVehicles.hpp and this is what I guess they are..
Also, the tent/fire appers to the north.. You need trig to get it to apper in front of the player.. It shouldn't matter though..
Hope this works!
- Ben
BTW, if you could provide more detail, I could possibly improve this script...