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Author Topic: wrpedit loadg wrp error  (Read 1676 times)

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Offline cj525

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wrpedit loadg wrp error
« on: 21 Jan 2004, 20:22:42 »
I created an island in terragen brought it into wilbur to edit, loaded into wrpedit (with .95 patch), saved it. Loaded wrpedit saved version into wrptool to make rivers and saved. Went back to wrpedit tried to load saved wrptool island and got a "Load error" unknown file format. Does wrpedit support 4wvr, the patch said it did?

Offline Planck

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Re:wrpedit loadg wrp error
« Reply #1 on: 21 Jan 2004, 20:27:56 »
To the best of my knowledge there has never been a patch for WrpEdit at any time, but maybe I missed something.

Therefore Wrpedit does not load 4WVR., only OPRW.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Offline cj525

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Re:wrpedit loadg wrp error
« Reply #2 on: 21 Jan 2004, 20:51:59 »
thanks for the prompt reply, I guess I'll just redo the river in wrpedit.

thanks again.

Offline shinraiden

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Re:wrpedit loadg wrp error
« Reply #3 on: 23 Jan 2004, 08:28:57 »
If you run your 4wvr wrptool island through the OLD version of binarize from ofp.gamezone.cz, it converts it into OFPW for importing into WRPedit and visitor.

Offline cj525

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Re:wrpedit loadg wrp error
« Reply #4 on: 23 Jan 2004, 17:37:46 »
man this site is great!!! I've been using this site for a couple of years for my addons, mission, scripting source. This is the first time I've joined actively in the forum................. awsome.

thanks again.

now if they could only combine wrptool, wrpedit, terragen,and wilbur. ;D

Offline wired

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Re:wrpedit loadg wrp error
« Reply #5 on: 10 Mar 2004, 20:48:00 »
something similar happened to me......but one thing.....how do i run my isle through binarize? H E L P!!!!
We have a problem at 'Oscar-Charlie 2-7' do you read me? Well its that guy with the RPG!