Just wondering if BIS ever gave any guidance on performance for scripting items?
Specifically, which is better?
Triggers with specific conditions (in the condition field), or scripting a "@" with the same condition, or scripting a loop that exits on the condition, or (if applicable) an event handler?
Are they all just plugging into the same routines (in the .exe) eventually, or is one more efficient than the others?
Example: Say I want to know when eight specific tanks have been destroyed.
I could name each tank, then create a trigger with the condition that all eight are dead. - How is this trigger implemented by the game? Is it a timer, checking all eight sub-conditions every x time units?
I could make eight triggers, each one checking for !(alive) on one tank, and flip a boolean. Then create a ninth trigger that does nothing but check for all eight booleans to be true.
I could create eight eventhandlers that do the same, and add one trigger that checks for all 8 booleans to be true.
Instead of using 8 booleans, just increment a "DeadTank" counter and have one trigger check the value of the counter
I could skip triggers all together and do this with scripts, using either loops or "@" commands....
So is there any difference between all these options in terms of perfomance? Has anyone ever done some load testing to see how the various options perform with ridiculous numbers of units in a scenario?