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Author Topic: LOD problems.......  (Read 2044 times)

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LOD problems.......
« on: 16 Feb 2004, 03:26:06 »
Ok, I am using O2 LITE, and have followed bressb's tuts to the letter, and have even shot emails back and forth with him several times regarding my addon.  My main problem now are the different LOD's and how to correctly set them up.  Yes,...I have read thru ALL the posts regarding this, fopund a few new tuts, read them, etc, but they all are rather ambiguous to say the least.  So here is my malfunction.....

I am making an Embassy at the request of a fellow squad member, and if any of you have d-loaded and checked out my Disciples Isle, then u know I try to put alot of attention into anything I do....

I have the basis of the structure built, it is 4 storys, all connected with stairs, plus a 2 story 4 car garage, and a large courtyard.  Helicopters can land in the yard, and on the roof of both garage and embassy.  Currently the following info is probably relevant:

2700 faces, and I have this set as my ONLY resolution LOD, with a value of 1.0
MEMORY LOD (only 2 points in it, for the single ladder)
ROADWAY LOD (works perfectly, for all stairs and fire escapes and fl;oors)

Here is the problem, since so many ppl have had an opinion:

I need to know how to correctly set the proper RESOLUTION LODs for the model (all textures are made by me, in case this is important, and all are 256 x 256)

I think I have the GEO LOD figured out, just copy/paste the large RES LOD, put this in a new GEO LOD, set mass, apply, then do the structure/topology/find points thing.  Then I remove all textures from this LOD

FIRE GEO LOD-----killing me, i can shoot thru several walls, but not thru some of the balconies....no idea what is wrong, need some SERIOUS HELP

any and all other things I am missing for this, like I said, its a building, a large one, 8 flights of stairs, balconies, walkways, fire escapes, etc.  Plz dont reply with "GO TO BRESSB's SITE" since I have been there repeatedly, and cant find the answers I need.  P{lz dont just lis the LOD's and tell me I need them all, I realy need someone that is willing to give me the proper steps needed for EACH LOD I NEED for this model.  Thank you profusely in advance for any help.  If necessary I can email the file model to anyone that is willing to lokk at it and offer some much needed help!!
Screen Shots are also available if needed

Offline Pathy

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Re:LOD problems.......
« Reply #1 on: 16 Feb 2004, 18:38:57 »
Can you state your problem simply, in one sentence rather than rambling about the entire model. Once i understand what your asking i can probably help.


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Re:LOD problems.......
« Reply #2 on: 16 Feb 2004, 21:17:48 »
Unsure how to set up the different resolution LOD's correctly for this model

Unsure why the geometry LOD i have made wont work in all places (copied and pasted the LOD where I have the entire model, applied mass, found components)

Unsure why my Fire Geometry LOD wont work for the entire structur4e, it only works in some places (copied/pasted the GEO LOD into a new LOD, called it FIRE GEOMETRY LOD, found components

All textures have been removed from both the geometry LOD and the FIRE LOD

Offline Pathy

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Re:LOD problems.......
« Reply #3 on: 17 Feb 2004, 19:24:35 »
Ok, right, resolution LOD's dont really matter what they are, but id advise 0.0 (most detailed), 1, 3, 7, or something like that getting less and less detailed as it goes out (by the 3 lod, you should hardly have any major detail, after that, its just cutting down to minimum number of faces possible.

Geo LOD, needs to be thick enough, im told. So if you got some thin walls, its likely youll be able to pass thru them. Thicken the LOD up in these places and see what happens.

Fire LOD, dunno, im sorry.


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Re:LOD problems.......
« Reply #4 on: 20 Feb 2004, 17:28:48 »
Resolution LODs should have larger number for larger objects. Guns have very small numbers (0.000, 0.500 etc), while a larger object such as the one you are making 1, 3, 5 , 7 is ok....but 2, 5, 9, 12, 15 probably better. One thing you can do is add something huge and visable above the model, a different shape/colour for each ResLOD. And then just stick yourself in the editor with the object and walk towards it. You'll see how far away you are when each LOD clicks over.

GeoLODs....do a search! But in short, GeoLOD can only be made up of simple parts...boxes etc. Use "CHECK FACES" to find Non-Linear/Non-Planar pieces and Triangulate them (this fixes most problems). Walls need to be 0.5m thick to stop bullets (roughly).

FireGeoLOD is only needed if you want the places that can be fired through/not fired through to be different to the GeoLOD. Otherwise you don't need one. The same structure rules apply to FireGeoLOD as the GeoLOD.



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Re:LOD problems.......
« Reply #5 on: 25 Feb 2004, 06:45:39 »

FireGeoLOD is only needed if you want the places that can be fired through/not fired through to be different to the GeoLOD. Otherwise you don't need one. The same structure rules apply to FireGeoLOD as the GeoLOD.


So am i right in thinking that i can set a wall with a window completey solid in GEO LOD, but have the window in it in FIRE GEO and in game i will be able to shoot through the window?

Sounds a silly thing to do but i still seem to ba able to walk through certain parts of a wall if the window is directly in front of me. - will the above fix this.

I am having the same prob with being able to fire through my walls - i have even bumped them upto nearly 1m thick and still the same prob.

I`ll try the above when i have access to my pc with O2 on it, meanwhile if anyone has any other helpful hints on modeling buildings please tell me `cos im in trouble!!


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Re:LOD problems.......
« Reply #6 on: 25 Feb 2004, 10:50:20 »
Yes, you are right in thinking  ;D That's the whole point! If Geo and ForeGeo were exactly the same.....well, why bother?

As for walking through 1m walls...have you checked faces, found components etc?


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Re:LOD problems.......
« Reply #7 on: 05 Mar 2004, 06:00:58 »
ok, so for the geo LOD, everything that I want to be "solid" goes in here, walls, etc.  But the Fire LOD is different, only shapes representing the windows and dorrs would go in it?

So a wall with a window and a door would be set up as follows:
                 The shape of the wall, complete, would be added to the Geo LOD

                 The shape of the window and the door would be added to the fire LOD, not the wall, just a box representing the window shape and the door shape.

Am I reading this correctly?


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Re:LOD problems.......
« Reply #8 on: 05 Mar 2004, 08:38:59 »
GeoLOD....where you don't want players to be able to walk through.

[img removed]GeoLOD.jpg[/img]
« Last Edit: 05 Mar 2004, 08:41:36 by Leone »


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Re:LOD problems.......
« Reply #9 on: 05 Mar 2004, 08:40:00 »
FireLOD....where you want people to be able to shoot.

[img removed]FireLOD.jpg[/img]
« Last Edit: 05 Mar 2004, 08:42:29 by Leone »


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Re:LOD problems.......
« Reply #10 on: 06 Mar 2004, 01:51:34 »
So, i do understand all that, but when i make the fire LOD, do i simply create a box in the same place my windows and doors are, then slap them in the Fire LOD?

In reference to the second picture you have posted..woyuld I create a box, the exact same size and in the exact samee p0lace as the widow...then put ONLY that in the Fire LOD?


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Re:LOD problems.......
« Reply #11 on: 06 Mar 2004, 03:56:32 »
Ummm....the FireLOD is where the bullets will hit. If you want to be able to shoot through windows, then that's where you leave a gap. Don't know how much more simply I can explain it....  ???

Offline ScouseJedi

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Re:LOD problems.......
« Reply #12 on: 07 Mar 2004, 00:44:13 »
Geo / Fire and View LODs are made up of components.
In the selections box you will eventually have the following selections


up to a max of component128


For the Geo LOD..

I would place lots of cubes each at least 0.5m thick and have them overlapping a little. They are just to prevent you walking through. You can make the Geo LOD very roughly and don't worry about getting all the dimensions the same as the Resolution model - I make mind a little bigger so there is no chance people can walk through walls at corners.

Remember to leave space for places that people can walk through like doorways.

Once you have the rough structure blocked out go to

Structure -> Convexity -> Componet Convex Hull

This will give you a load of componet01 selections.

All you have to do then is apply some mass to the vertexes and your Geometry LOD is done.

View and Fire LODs
In most cases the View and Fire LODs will be the same as each other. These are built the same way as the Geo LOD but should be quite a bit more detailed and more accurately reflect the actual resolution model you have made. Leave spaces for doors and windows (or any areas that you would be able to see or fire through and once you are done 'Component Convex Hull' again.

NOTE:If this process radically changes the way you have the LOD done then you need to make the components simpler - thats why I use cubes and 3-5 sided cylinders for 99% of my Geo/View/Fire LOD work

Res LODs
Then take you Geo LOD and dulplicate it. Call it something like 10.000 and texture it.

Copy your View LOD and call it something like 8.000 and texture that.

Rename your 1.000 LOD  0.500 and then duplicate it calling the new one 1.500

Reduce the detail in your 1.500 LOD to about 1500 faces

then make a 3.000 with about 700 faces

5.000 with 300 faces

Im guessing that the 8.000 has about 200 faces and the 10.000 about 60.

These numbers are not exact but they should give you a guideline to work with. You should really try to get hold of some MLOD houses from the OFP 0.36 demo.
« Last Edit: 07 Mar 2004, 00:49:25 by ScouseJedi »
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