Hi, I'm trying to make an ammo depot. I'm using BIS's model "ammostore2" (because it one looks perfect but unfortunantly you can't get any ammo from it), but I can't get it to work!
Here's the code:
class CfgPatches
   class Commander
      units[] = { AmmobunkerW };
      requiredVersion = 1.75;
class CfgVehicles
   class All {};
   class Static: All {};
   class Building: Static {};
   class Strategic : Building {};
   class AmmobunkerW: Strategic
      scope = public;
      model = "ammostore2";
      vehicleClass = "Ofp Commander";
      displayName="Ammo Bunker West";
      class TransportMagazines
      class TransportWeapons
I have also tried to inherrit like:
class ReammoBox: Strategic {}; and then
class AmmobunkerW: Reammobox
I also tried to use another model, the practice target "terc", and then it worked.