First i have to say Hello ;D
I am new in scripting editing etc
I am searching for a funktion to get all objects in a radius of x meters around an other object or trigger...
Want this to fill an array for set them burning or deleting etc.
I found this topic;action=display;threadid=13969and get the last version of Koumas script. topic was for AI, but the scanroutine seems the right for me.
Now my problem is :
It runs verry good for isle objects
But how can i use the _building funktion like scan all bas like objects like
"BAS Bush 1 ....23" or "BAS Palm Tall 1" ?
A big wish from me ..."because often there are only two kind of persons in forums ones that know all and the most other donÂ't understand it (missing some for them elementary information)"
" demo missions of that what you are answering :-)"
i took many many hours to find erros or missing parts in samples ...