I had a go at making a new imaginary landscape in terragen.
I adjusted the various controls till I had what I considered a reasonable map.
Next I made sure the map size was set at 12800m X 12800m, with a 50m point spacing and terrain grid points set to 257 X 257.
I made a note of roughly how high the highest terrain was, in some instances over 600m.
I decided I would keep it at 600m maximum, this is only for use in the next step, loading into Wilbur.
Next I saved it.
Once loaded into Wilbur, I next selected Save As.....Lon/Lat Text Mesh (txt) file.
Once the requester had popped up I pressed the Set To Pixel button.
In the Output Size section I left the Width at 256 and the Height at 257
In the Output Bounds section I left X Minimum and Maximum at 0 and 255 respectively.
Similarly I left Y Minimum and Maximum at 0 and 256 respectively.
The next bit is probably where a lot of people who complain that their terrain is almost flat in WrpEdit are going wrong......The Z Minimum and Maximum.
Whatever you set as the Z Minimum, becomes the lowest elevation in WrpEdit. In other words, the seabed. I entered -6.00 here.
Whatever you set as the Z Maximum, becomes the maximum elevation of your map in WrpEdit. As I already said I had decided on 600.00, so this is what I put in here.
I also set the Decimal Places to 2 instead of 4.
Pressing OK saves the file, ready for importing into WrpEdit.
The WrpEdit import requester settings should be:
Left and Bottom at 0
Width and Height at 256
Num of coord at 3
Elevat index at 3
Decimal point symbol set at period (.)
Now once those are done and you press OK you can navigate to your file and load it.
WrpEdit will probably complain about too much data, and should it continue, just say yes and all will be ok.....I hope.
Mine loaded fine.........the terrain was not flat but much like it was in terragen.
Once loaded remember to Select All Cells and apply default flags, also Select All Cells again and apply a texture to your map. Now you should be able to see the terrain in the Preview window when you press F9.
Hope this helps anyone having problems getting a terragen terrain into WrpEdit.