Isn't it? I can't see where else.. I don't know
Anyway, in PSP I used a 64x64 image, plain..
Saved one as a JPEG, one as a GIF, and one a TGA.. the TGA was the only one that didn't work...
Hmm, it'll prob be wrong.. But... When you right click on a GIF/JPEG file, you get a bunch of file sizes, image sizes, and other stuff like format, colour depth... But with a TGA, all you get is file type : TGA...
Could it be that TexView uses these settings to check file dimensions, and if they aren't blah by blahblah, it shows a blank image... And because TGA doesn't tell what size, textview thinks it wrong, and doesn't show it..
It might be right though, as textview is fairly simple, and in a prog, you could get that info easily.. And it always seems to be simple thing that stop stuff working!
- Ben