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Author Topic: De-PBO'ing and resounding  (Read 1321 times)

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De-PBO'ing and resounding
« on: 14 Sep 2002, 22:15:51 »
    I've never touched anything addon in my life......so i need some help. I could really do with replacing the sounds on one or two of my addons, so just a brief tutorial and what i need to do it would go perfectly!

I'm about to check in the editors depot but thought i'd post here just incase theres something new come up or a better way to do it!



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Re:De-PBO'ing and resounding
« Reply #1 on: 15 Sep 2002, 22:02:13 »
Just change the CPP's sound directory thingy:-

A-10A's 30mm Cannon:-

class MachineGun30A10: MachineGun30

All you have to do is change the sound[]="DIRECTORYNAME\SOUNDNAME" to whatever you want.

Note that you have the directoryname starting from the addons folders' and you dont need to do the full path(C:\Program Files\Codemasters\...) but just from there(G36a\G36_full.wss).  I think the numbers after the file(3.162278,1) is the tempo and pitch but I don't know cos I havent fiddled about with them yet :(.

Anyway, I hope this helps you chaps ;)


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Re:De-PBO'ing and resounding
« Reply #2 on: 15 Sep 2002, 22:23:42 »
Cheers m8, i owe ya one!

Only query is thus: I put the sound in the folder and say i call it Choppersound1.wav and the addon is called chopper.

So for the whatsit i would put this

Choppers big gun:-

class MachineGun30A10: MachineGun30

And thats it?

That would give 'chopper' the A10's cannon with my sound?

Thank again!



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Re:De-PBO'ing and resounding
« Reply #3 on: 15 Sep 2002, 22:37:49 »
its slightly more complicated than that though as theres all the weapons youve got to list like on a cobra youd need all of the weapons' downgarded version to default.

If youre ripping it directly from another addon youll be fine but most errors should be self-explanatory.  E-Mail or IM me for any errors you cant solve ;)