I was thinking of making a script just to really test myself that when a radio call is signaled like alpha, your assigned jeep comes back to you or vehicle. Has this been done? Can it be done?
Please point me in the right direction with this script.
; ***************************************
; Operation Flashpoint Script
; ***************************************
;A script to simulate vehicles with remote control.
_unit = _this select 0
_vehicle = _this select 1
_marker = getpos _unit
; ***************************************
;Here I want to check if the unit is alive.
? (_unit ALIVE) false : goto exit
; ***************************************
;Here the marker should follow the unit so the vehicle goes to the marker.
_marker = setpos getpos _unit
loop : goto "mark"
; ***************************************
; Here I'm not sure what to do, I know it will be more complicated.
_vehicle setdir setpos getpos _marker
_vehicle setvelocity [20,20,0]