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Author Topic: config: "" encountered instead of ',' ...err, huh?!?  (Read 1238 times)

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Offline Burn

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Greetings ladies\gents ;D. I have now for the first time in my life decided to enter the dangerous world of addon editing :o
So far I've only done some minor modification of the International soldier addOn by Matthjis, I.e reskinned it
and did some very small modifications to the model. And as a miracle sent from the heavens, IT ACTUALLY WORKED...
...errm... untill I went and modified the config.cpp that is :P :tomato: :help:

Now I get config: "" encountered instead of ',', whenever I try to run OFP with my addon activated :-\.

So if you think you can help me on this please read the config file provided below:
(note: I might have screwed up the config even further when I tried to repear the damage :P)

config file uploaded to my site(under construction)

Bizons OFP Bunker

*wondering why I didn't do that erlier instead of messin up the thread with a entire .cpp file*  ::) :beat:

To add to that major F**k-UP, I also get loads of bugs when trying to binarize my addOns, e.g. .paa textures that's suppose to be transparent turn up with a solid white background color instead.

And also when using JAM weapons and equipping a gun, the primary weapon and rocketlauncher-proxies are way to far from the soldier body, I guess the third prob. is a bug in the game itself or JAM because it affected bis-units too, but still... It's very annoying >:(.

 :toocool:If anyone manages to help me with this I'd be wery grateful :help: :-* :cheers:
« Last Edit: 01 Feb 2004, 18:44:52 by Bizon »

Offline Burn

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Re:config: "" encountered instead of ',' ...err, huh?!?
« Reply #1 on: 01 Feb 2004, 17:10:16 »
well thanks to the wery kind help from Rastavovich of the DKM team I now know that the above prob was caused by a missing "," in magazines[] line of  class BIZ_MercGLAW...

But sadly I have to report it wasn't the only error in the code :'(...

where to start... well first I got an error about the Eventhandler section that looked like this:
Code: [Select]
    class EventHandlers {
        Init="[_this select 0] exec ""\BIZ_Mercs\scripts\init.sqs"";";
     fired = " if ( (_this select 1 in [{Throw},{JAM_AT4Launcher},{JAM_RPG7Launcher},{JAM_M72LAWLauncher}]) or (_this select 4 in [{JAM_MarkerGrenadeammo}]) ) then {_this exec {\JAM_Magazines\FX\firedEH.sqs}}";
I then removed the Jam eventhandler...
Code: [Select]
      class EventHandlers {
         Init="[_this select 0] exec ""\BIZ_Mercs\scripts\init.sqs"";";
restuffed everything to PBO and got it running,

then I got an mesage at the main menu statin something like: can't locate \config\JAM_Mortar.p3d/ ...sumthing like that (must be the mortar soldier I thought n' later I removed the mortars from his inventory), then i cklicked ok and proceded to the editor, I placed some of my mercenaries on the map and pressed preview. Then I got the "modelSpecial" error mesage. I thought to myself that its probably an quotationmark(") too many in the weapons or ammo sections in the config, so I opened up the config removed the mortars from the mortarsoldier while I was at it and edited a few other things (shamefully I must say that I don't remember exactly what I edited :-[). Then I restuffed everything in an pbo and rebooted OFP... and what do I get... a CTD (Crash To Desktop) That's what I get  :o   >:(

I have updated the newly edited config in the first post... please help :(   :-\