Greetings ladies\gents ;D. I have now for the first time in my life decided to enter the dangerous world of addon editing
So far I've only done some minor modification of the International soldier addOn by Matthjis, I.e reskinned it
and did some very small modifications to the model. And as a miracle sent from the heavens, IT ACTUALLY WORKED...
...errm... untill I went and modified the config.cpp that is
:tomato: :help:
Now I get
config: "" encountered instead of ',', whenever I try to run OFP with my addon activated :-\.
So if you think you can help me on this please read the config file provided below:
(note: I might have screwed up the config even further when I tried to repear the damage
[EDIT]config file uploaded to my site(under construction)
Bizons OFP Bunker*wondering why I didn't do that erlier instead of messin up the thread with a entire .cpp file* :beat:
[/EDIT]To add to that major F**k-UP, I also get loads of bugs when trying to binarize my addOns, e.g. .paa textures that's suppose to be transparent turn up with a solid white background color instead.
And also when using JAM weapons and equipping a gun, the primary weapon and rocketlauncher-proxies are way to far from the soldier body, I guess the third prob. is a bug in the game itself or JAM because it affected bis-units too, but still... It's very annoying
:toocool:If anyone manages to help me with this I'd be wery grateful :help: