You don't need to keep opening and closing flashpoint to get to the desktop
Just press and hold Alt and then tap Tab..
You jump to the desktop if you only have ofp open, or if you have a window open, it'll jump to that
You can do most stuff this way, like writing scripts, and copy/pasting them into the folder etc, and copying missions into there folders etc
Only thing you can do it put new addons in (The game pre caches them at the beging on start up..), which is a bit of a shame
In any media player, it should tell you exactly how long a sound is in seconds (Sound editing programs will tell you in 1000th's of a second.. as in 1:20:10.0001
So if something's 13 seconds long, use ~13
If it's 1min 20, use ~60
I'm not sure how accutare ofp time thing is, though.. It's okay on short time, not sure on times like ~1000 etc...
Any one want to experement with a stopwatch?
- Ben