That would only work from stopped.. And would slow you down if your moving faster... I think
I deff. know that.. If you are driving left to right accross the map, it would make to slide sideways.. Fun.. But not to practical..
Use :
; How much the car speeds up, change to what ever you what.. Max, what, 30?
_nosadd = 10
; Car you want to speed up..
_fastcar = supcar
; Get speeds in x and y directions
_velox = _fastcar velocity select 0
_veloy = _fastcar velocity select 1
; Not sure if this is needed?
_veloz = _fastcar velocity select 2
; I think you need to work out if your going 0, 90, 180 or 270 degres and work out which value to add _nosadd to.. Not sure how you do this though..?
;Possible (direction is the command, I think), then "if _dir < 90 GOTO add to velox".. ect.. I'll have a go later
_newvelo = _velox + _nosadd
;Speed up the car!
_fastcar setvelocity [_velox, _veloy,_veloz]
; Add new sound effects for super fast car here... If you want.. ::)
; _fastcar say "woosh.ogg", I think (Put woosh.ogg in /sounds/ me's think??)
; Needed?
I'm sure thats got a load of errors in it.. But I'm not brilliant at scripting (Learning though..)
Put in the players Init feild
this addaction ["NOS", "nos.sqs"]
I'll work on a better script tonight.. Try out that one, anyone, and let me know what I does (I'll test it later)
And I'll work on it from there.. Like making a limited ammout on NOS (Just a varaible, and take something from it every time you use the script..), and better direction stuff, so if your going at 128*, you go that direction, but faster..
Please point out any errors, so I can learn (*Nooooo!*
) from them
- Ben
BTW, I've commented it.. If it make it clearer..