i have a reliable script for creating vehicles my problem is how would i give the t80 a name eg tank1
_type = "T80"
_pos = getpos START (gamelogic)
_group = red1
_obj = _type createVehicle [0,0,0]
_obj setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2) + 00]
"SoldierE" createUnit [_pos, _group, "Soldier = this"]
Soldier moveInDriver _obj
"SoldierE" createUnit [_pos, _group, "Soldier = this"]
Soldier moveInGunner _obj
"SoldierE" createUnit [_pos, _group, "Soldier = this"]
Soldier moveInCommander _obj
i find the script works well only having to change the _type to create any vehicle but without names its dificult to create triggers around the units involved ie (tank1 not alive)
thanx in advance
shark attack