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Author Topic: make cannon slide back when fired  (Read 1243 times)

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Offline oyman

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make cannon slide back when fired
« on: 01 Sep 2003, 17:40:03 »
i am making a tank and am looking around for a tutorial that teaches how to make a minigun spin around when fired or when a tank cannon fires the barrel slides back and i havent found one yet  :(  if u do tell me -oyman


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Re:make cannon slide back when fired
« Reply #1 on: 02 Sep 2003, 15:00:27 »
are you sure you can do that, BIS weapons can't s fare as I remember.
or maby I just remembered somthing if you use the "zban"and Zlazh"(can't spell it) selections on the gun you could maby do it Tiwan workshop have made pistols where the Bolt moves forth and back but I am not sure precisly how it is done.


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Re:make cannon slide back when fired
« Reply #2 on: 03 Sep 2003, 11:02:11 »
The spinning minigun is done using animations. There is a script hooked to the "Fired" eventhandler that plays the animation afer each shot. I guess the same could be done with a gun barrel and a different rotation axis.

Offline oyman

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Re:make cannon slide back when fired
« Reply #3 on: 05 Sep 2003, 01:34:53 »
ill just look at other addons that have animations and see how they did it


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Re:make cannon slide back when fired
« Reply #4 on: 05 Sep 2003, 12:11:08 »
Well, for the spinning barrels, there was another thread named "strange problem" covering the same problem.
He solved the problem using two commands:
revolving="barrels";   (the name has to be your selections name)
revolving_axis="barrel_axis";  (again readjust your name)

he wrote it worked, just read the thread for more infos

Offline oyman

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Re:make cannon slide back when fired
« Reply #5 on: 05 Sep 2003, 19:15:55 »
thanks ill try that  :)

Offline oyman

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Re:make cannon slide back when fired
« Reply #6 on: 27 Jan 2004, 19:22:46 »
i figured out how to make the gun spin araound and recoil


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Re:make cannon slide back when fired
« Reply #7 on: 27 Jan 2004, 21:58:46 »
That's great!

Was it the suggestions on this thread, a tutorial or did you just find out for yourself?

If it was one of the last two, would you like to share the knowledge with the community or give a link to the tutorial so the next person that has this problem can see?

Either way I'm glad it's working for you.   :)
