Sry mac.. You're a bit off with these...
If you want the trigger to 'trig' within the same time everytime, use the same time in all boxes. If a random time is wanted then vary the timings...
Quote from the Prima's Official OFP Strategy Guide:
"Countdown starts a timer when a condition is met until the trigger is actually activated, and Timeout requires the condition to be met for a certain amount of time.
Vary these times by entering a Minimum time, Middle time and Maximum time. The AI chooses a time between the Min and Max, but somewhere near the Middle. To set a specific time, insert the same time in each box."
Timeout - the trigger will activate that length of time after the activation box/conditions have been met.
Nope... The trigger will be activated only if the certain condition is true the amount of time specified in the time boxes, i.e. if there's a dude who activates the trigger and the trigger is set to timeout 10,10,10 the dude has to be inside the trigger area for that 10 secs before the trigger 'trigs'...
Countdown - the condition must be met for that time before the trigger will activate. I suspect you may have to put the same time in all three boxes for this one.
Nope... This is what the timeout does... And no, you don't need to put the same time in each box for this... Read the above...
Countdown makes the trigger activate after the specified time has passed since the condition was met... So if again we have a dude who 'trigs' the trigger and the triggers countdown 10,40,25 the trigger will activate somewhere between 10-40 secs after the dude has 'trigged' trigger... And the dude does not have to be in the trigger anymore...
So countdown is like a timed explosive: you set the time, activate it and wait for it to blow...
In waypoints there is a field called countdown which actually operates the same way as Timeout. How confusing is that.
This is true... I think BIS forgot to change the Timeout text to Countdow or Wait
As for that Talk waypoint... I remember using it back in 1.30 days... Don't remember what it did though...
Here's again a quote from the Prima's Strategy Guide:
"This is a special waypoint - more useful in cutscenes than in missions. Place it over another unit (usually a friendly one). The waypoint is completed when the group reaches the target unit's position."
So you got that right mac...