Basically this is an Attack & Defend mission, so the first thing youn want to do is find one, dissasemble it using a de pbo program that you can find on this website and see how they do things
second thing is you will need either
1) a looping script that looks to see if a west player is within a trigger area and if he is add a score every X loops
2) A repeating trigger with a condition timer that is activated when the condition has been met after X seconds
something on the lines of
Trigger name "Defend_zone"
leave the rest of the trigger in its default state, activated by anybody
Init.sqs entries
[]exec "Monitor.sqs"
Wscore = 0
AtScore = X (X = the number of seconds that you want it to loop before you add the score (More info later in post))
script would be server side only
eg create a gamelogic, name it "Server" and use the ?!(local server):
?!(local server):exit
?(WEST countside list Defend_zone > 0):goto "SCORING"
goto "START"
_count = 0
?(WEST countside list Defend_zone== 0):goto "START"
?(count == ScoreAt):Wscore = Wscore + 1;_count = 0; Publicvariable "Wscore
What basically happens is
1) The script runs in the #START loop until a west player is within the trigger area of trigger "Defend_Zone"
When this occurs, the script then jumps to #Scoring, where it sets a counter to "0"
It then jumps into the #SCORELOOP
Scoreloop runs every second
First thing it does is make sure west is still in the "Defence_Zone"
If he is , it simply loops until
West is no longer in the Defence_Zone , inwhich case it jumps back to the #START
the _counter value, which indicated how many times (Seconds) it has looped, gets to the value ScoreAt
When this value has been reached, the server adds a point to WScore, resets the _counter to "0" and off it goes again
As far as selecting the value "ScoreAt" as a Pre-game option, you would have to use the Param1 or Param2 boxes as defined in the description.ext
and then use the following line in your init.sqs
ScoreAt = Param1
ScoreAt = Param2
Param1 is by default used for gamelength
Param2 is by default used for Score limit
how you set these Description.Ext entries up and use them is dependant on whether you use the Excel Spreadsheet values or not
How will East win???
You could require west to have a Minimum Wscore value for them to win, and if they dont, East wins
Eg ?(Wscore >= X): do whatever you want to run the West wins scenario
?(Wscore < X): do whatever you want to run the East wins scenario
that should be enough for now, when you have done that, come back and ask something more specific
Generalised questions like
"How do i create a CTF, please do it for me", wont get much of a response m8
questions like
"How do i place a russian flag on a flagpole", do get answered
so the more specific your question, the better the answer
Also if the question you have asked, have solved your problem, please close the post by clicking "Solved" or whatever the selection is