I have 3 groups: w1 w2 w3.
What I am trying to do is the following:
From action menue I get 3 actions available Groupe1, Group2 Group3
Once I selected one I get 4 actions for each group, and each one of those actions will provide 4 more choices:
1) Move. Move on map by a single click (already got that one)
2) Behaviour:
a) Stealth b) Combat c) Aware d) Safe
3) Formation:
a) Line b) Wedge c) Vee d) Cloumn
4) Face direction. Based on toadlife's watch script
a)90 b)180 c)270 d)360
And when a group gets killed its actions gets removed from action menu.
I already got the first one which is moving different groupes on map.
As always, your help is greatly appreciated! ;D
This is the mission since I can not post it:
class Mission
   class Intel
   class Groups
      class Item0
         class Vehicles
            class Item0
               player="PLAYER COMMANDER";
               init="gw1 = group this";
      class Item1
         class Vehicles
            class Item0
               init="w1 = group this ";
            class Item1
            class Item2
      class Item2
         class Vehicles
            class Item0
               init="w2 = group this ";
            class Item1
            class Item2
      class Item3
         class Vehicles
            class Item0
               init="w3 = group this ";
            class Item1
            class Item2
   class Markers
      class Item0
   class Sensors
      class Item0
         expActiv="leader gw1 addAction [""Group1"",""w1move.sqs""]; leader gw1 addAction [""Group2"",""w2move.sqs""]; leader gw1 addAction [""Group3"",""w3move.sqs""]";
         class Effects
class Intro
   class Intel
class OutroWin
   class Intel
class OutroLoose
   class Intel