Desert Island? It would be a deathmatch! Nowhere to hide, no way to avoid being killed - noone would ever capture the flag! It would be anarchy, chaos! Sounds like fun actually...
Anyhow, I suppose it might be possible to use the switchmove command to force people on their feet, but go knows how much that would mess stuff up. It would be impossible to move - every 2 seconds or so you would jump into the standing still position.
And I can't honestly see the point in it. OFP is a very tactical game. You need to keep your eyes open for snipers, and watch every bush as if it was an enemy. Because it may well be.
If it moves, drill it with a few rounds. :gunman:
Personally, I love it when opponents go prone. It means that there's no way they can dodge my bullets. No leading required, just point, shoot and dead.
-Supr. Cmdr. PsyWarrior
-Psychic Productions